to Mar 1

Birth Basics 101

Don't have time for a full childbirth education series? Is distance a barrier to childbirth education? Or maybe you’ve had a baby before and are looking for a different experience. This is for you! This is a two class series that highlights the basics of stages of labor, anatomy, comfort measures, managing discomfort and intensity, training for your partner, helping baby navigate the pelvis, what to expect in the postpartum and newborn phases. Build confidence and reduce fear about birth!

What to expect:

Anatomy of birth
What to eat in labor
How to handle discomfort in labor
How your partner can support
When to call your birth team in labor
Stages of labor, positions and practice
Birth options/interventions
Sharing about your previous births (if desired)
Making a postpartum plan
Postpartum - what’s normal, what’s not
Newborns-what to expect after birth and the first weeks

This class is intended for adults only, as we do not have accommodations for children.

Register here

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to Apr 28

Complete Birth hybrid series

This class is a combination of in person and videos to view at home. Our hybrid series is great option for those whose schedules make attending weekly classes challenging.

Here’s what to expect:

How to stay low-risk through prenatal exercise and nutrition

How to handle pain in labor and avoid causing more pain

Training for partner to have an active role during labor/birth

Relaxation techniques and Birth Affirmations to use during labor

Labor medication options and benefits of unmedicated birth

Stages of labor, positions and practice

Birth options and how to be a savvy consumer

Variations, complications and how to handle them

Postpartum care for a healthy and quicker recovery

Making a postpartum plan

Breastfeeding education so you and baby have a good start

Newborn care and adjusting to your new family

Registration information is available here

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9:30 AM09:30

Weekend Warrior Refresher Birth Prep Class

Had a baby before? Need a refresher on what to expect? This class is for you!

What to expect:
How to handle discomfort in labor
Training for your partner
Stages of labor, positions and practice
Birth options/interventions
Sharing about your previous births (if desired)
Making a postpartum plan

This class is intended for adults only, as we do not have accommodations for children.

Registration available here

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10:00 AM10:00

Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class

During labor the baby needs to pass through the three levels of the pelvis. Learn techniques to help your pelvis and its muscles that support or restrict your pelvic levels. Together, you and your birth partner can use these techniques before and during labor to help “make room for baby!” Spinning Babies® reveals how the baby can find optimal positions for labor, and make birth less painful, and even pleasurable!

This class is a great complementary class to your regular, comprehensive childbirth education classes!

More information here

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to Jun 3

Complete Birth Series

Join us for our 8 week in person series!
Guest speakers include:
Registered Dietitian specializing in Prenatal Nutrition
Doctor of Physical Therapy specializing in Pelvic Health
Chiropractor specializing in Prenatal and Pediatric care
Lactation Consultant

This 8 week series is led by one of our area’s most experienced childbirth educators and birth doulas. Learn about physiology of birth, how to communicate and advocate in your birth space, and how to effectively support the hormones of labor. As a support person, discover how your partner likes to be supported and how you can step into the role of helping her keep her power.

Register here

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to Jun 30

Complete Birth hybrid series

This class is a combination of in person and videos to view at home. Our hybrid series is great option for those whose schedules make attending weekly classes challenging.

Here’s what to expect:

How to stay low-risk through prenatal exercise and nutrition

How to handle pain in labor and avoid causing more pain

Training for partner to have an active role during labor/birth

Relaxation techniques and Birth Affirmations to use during labor

Labor medication options and benefits of unmedicated birth

Stages of labor, positions and practice

Birth options and how to be a savvy consumer

Variations, complications and how to handle them

Postpartum care for a healthy and quicker recovery

Making a postpartum plan

Breastfeeding education so you and baby have a good start

Newborn care and adjusting to your new family

Registration information is available here

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to Jul 9

Complete Birth Series

Join us for our 8 week in person series!
Guest speakers include:
Registered Dietitian specializing in Prenatal Nutrition
Doctor of Physical Therapy specializing in Pelvic Health
Chiropractor specializing in Prenatal and Pediatric care
Lactation Consultant

This 8 week series is led by one of our area’s most experienced childbirth educators and birth doulas. Learn about physiology of birth, how to communicate and advocate in your birth space, and how to effectively support the hormones of labor. As a support person, discover how your partner likes to be supported and how you can step into the role of helping her keep her power.

Register here

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9:30 AM09:30

Weekend Warrior Refresher Birth Prep Class

Had a baby before? Need a refresher on what to expect? This class is for you!

What to expect:
How to handle discomfort in labor
Training for your partner
Stages of labor, positions and practice
Birth options/interventions
Sharing about your previous births (if desired)
Making a postpartum plan

This class is intended for adults only, as we do not have accommodations for children.

Registration available here

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9:30 AM09:30

Weekend Warrior Refresher Birth Prep Class

Had a baby before? Need a refresher on what to expect? This class is for you!

What to expect:
How to handle discomfort in labor
Training for your partner
Stages of labor, positions and practice
Birth options/interventions
Sharing about your previous births (if desired)
Making a postpartum plan

This class is intended for adults only, as we do not have accommodations for children.

Registration available here

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9:30 AM09:30

Weekend Warrior Refresher Birth Prep Class

Had a baby before? Need a refresher on what to expect? This class is for you!

What to expect:
How to handle discomfort in labor
Training for your partner
Stages of labor, positions and practice
Birth options/interventions
Sharing about your previous births (if desired)
Making a postpartum plan

This class is intended for adults only, as we do not have accommodations for children.

Registration available here

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6:00 PM18:00

Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class

During labor the baby needs to pass through the three levels of the pelvis. Learn techniques to help your pelvis and its muscles that support or restrict your pelvic levels. Together, you and your birth partner can use these techniques before and during labor to help “make room for baby!” Spinning Babies® reveals how the baby can find optimal positions for labor, and make birth less painful, and even pleasurable!

This class is a great complementary class to your regular, comprehensive childbirth education classes!

More information here

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9:30 AM09:30

Weekend Warrior Refresher Birth Prep Class

Had a baby before? Need a refresher on what to expect? This class is for you!

What to expect:
How to handle discomfort in labor
Training for your partner
Stages of labor, positions and practice
Birth options/interventions
Sharing about your previous births (if desired)
Making a postpartum plan

This class is intended for adults only, as we do not have accommodations for children.

Registration available here

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10:00 AM10:00

Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class

During labor the baby needs to pass through the three levels of the pelvis. Learn techniques to help your pelvis and its muscles that support or restrict your pelvic levels. Together, you and your birth partner can use these techniques before and during labor to help “make room for baby!” Spinning Babies® reveals how the baby can find optimal positions for labor, and make birth less painful, and even pleasurable!

This class is a great complementary class to your regular, comprehensive childbirth education classes!

More information here

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10:00 AM10:00

*THIS CLASS IS FULL* Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class

During labor the baby needs to pass through the three levels of the pelvis. Learn techniques to help your pelvis and its muscles that support or restrict your pelvic levels. Together, you and your birth partner can use these techniques before and during labor to help “make room for baby!” Spinning Babies® reveals how the baby can find optimal positions for labor, and make birth less painful, and even pleasurable!

Register here

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9:30 AM09:30

Weekend Warrior Refresher Birth Prep Class

Had a baby before? Need a refresher on what to expect? This class is for you!

What to expect:
How to handle discomfort in labor
Training for your partner
Stages of labor, positions and practice
Birth options/interventions
Sharing about your previous births (if desired)
Making a postpartum plan

This class is intended for adults only, as we do not have accommodations for children.

Registration available here

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to Jun 4

Complete Birth hybrid series

This class is a combination of in person and videos to view at home. Our hybrid series is great option for those whose schedules make attending weekly classes challenging.

Here’s what to expect:

How to stay low-risk through prenatal exercise and nutrition

How to handle pain in labor and avoid causing more pain

Training for partner to have an active role during labor/birth

Relaxation techniques and Birth Affirmations to use during labor

Labor medication options and benefits of unmedicated birth

Stages of labor, positions and practice

Birth options and how to be a savvy consumer

Variations, complications and how to handle them

Postpartum care for a healthy and quicker recovery

Making a postpartum plan

Breastfeeding education so you and baby have a good start

Newborn care and adjusting to your new family

Registration information is available here

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10:00 AM10:00

*THIS CLASS IS FULL* Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class

During labor the baby needs to pass through the three levels of the pelvis. Learn techniques to help your pelvis and its muscles that support or restrict your pelvic levels. Together, you and your birth partner can use these techniques before and during labor to help “make room for baby!” Spinning Babies® reveals how the baby can find optimal positions for labor, and make birth less painful, and even pleasurable!

This class is a great complementary class to your regular, comprehensive childbirth education classes!

Register here

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6:00 PM18:00

Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class

During labor the baby needs to pass through the three levels of the pelvis. Learn techniques to help your pelvis and its muscles that support or restrict your pelvic levels. Together, you and your birth partner can use these techniques before and during labor to help “make room for baby!” Spinning Babies® reveals how the baby can find optimal positions for labor, and make birth less painful, and even pleasurable!

  • Learn about Spinning Babies® Techniques

  • Daily Essential Activities

  • The Three Balances℠ help birth muscles to relax and add comfort now to ease birth later.

  • Birth Positions that open the pelvis that let the baby come through more easily

  • Bring your birth partner to learn how to help you in pregnancy for comfort in labor and birth

Cost and registration available here

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10:00 AM10:00

*FULL* Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class

Find Balance for a Positive Birth! 

Spinning Babies® believes balance is key. Join our Spinning Babies®  Birth Preparation Class to explore the power within The Three BalancesSM, daily activities, Rest SmartSM and much more! Discover how these techniques can help you create a harmonious environment for you and your baby, leading to a more comfortable birth.

Please bring your support person with you and dress comfortably. Bring a water bottle!

Get on the waitlist here

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9:30 AM09:30

Weekend Warrior Refresher Class

Had a baby before? Need a refresher on what to expect? This class is for you!

What to expect:
How to handle discomfort in labor
Training for your partner
Stages of labor, positions and practice
Birth options/interventions
Sharing about your previous births (if desired)
Making a postpartum plan

This class is intended for adults only, as we do not have accommodations for children

Register here

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10:00 AM10:00

*FULL* Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class

Find Balance for a Positive Birth! 

Spinning Babies® believes balance is key. Join our Spinning Babies®  Birth Preparation Class to explore the power within The Three BalancesSM, daily activities, Rest SmartSM and much more! Discover how these techniques can help you create a harmonious environment for you and your baby, leading to a more comfortable birth.

Please bring your support person with you and dress comfortably. Bring a water bottle!

Get on the waitlist here

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